
v-for="(item, index) in comRoute"




ref="translateBox" v-if="transType">

v-for="(item, index) in comRoute"




ref="translateBox" v-if="transType">

comList: ['educationExp', 'workExp', 'projectExp'], // 模块列表
comLen: 0, // 模块的长度
comType: '', // 当前移动的模块
transType: '', // 当前移动的模块
coordinate: { // 鼠标坐标
mouseX: 0,
mouseY: 0,
downFlag: false, // 当前是否点击模块移动
mouseYBefore: 0, // 记录鼠标点击时Y坐标以及鼠标每移动30后重新记录鼠标Y坐标
mouseYLast: 0, // 实时记录鼠标移动时的Y坐标
nowCom: '', // 移动模块时,上一个模块或者下一个模块的名称
forFlage: false, // forEach遍历结束的标识
comRoute: [], // 动态加载组件列表
transCom: null, // 点击后悬浮的组件
compBox: null, // 获取当前组件在页面中的位置信息
comList: ['educationExp', 'workExp', 'projectExp'], // 模块列表
comLen: 0, // 模块的长度
comType: '', // 当前移动的模块
transType: '', // 当前移动的模块
coordinate: { // 鼠标坐标
mouseX: 0,
mouseY: 0,
downFlag: false, // 当前是否点击模块移动
mouseYBefore: 0, // 记录鼠标点击时Y坐标以及鼠标每移动30后重新记录鼠标Y坐标
mouseYLast: 0, // 实时记录鼠标移动时的Y坐标
nowCom: '', // 移动模块时,上一个模块或者下一个模块的名称
forFlage: false, // forEach遍历结束的标识
comRoute: [], // 动态加载组件列表
transCom: null, // 点击后悬浮的组件
compBox: null, // 获取当前组件在页面中的位置信息3、scrollTop为页面滚动的距顶部的距离,从父组件传过来
props: { scrollTop: Number,}
props: { scrollTop: Number,}4、watch一些属性
watch: {
comList: {

handler(val) {

this.getCom(val); // 模块列表改变时,实时加载组件


deep: true,

immediate: true, // 声明了之后会立马执行handler里面的函数
transType(val) { // 悬浮模块加载组件

if (val) {

this.transCom = () => import(`./default/${val}`);

scrollTop: { // 监听页面滚动

handler() {},

immediate: true,
comType(newVal) {

if (newVal) {

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === newVal) {

this.comList[index] = 'moveBox'; // 将组建列表中为comType的元素改为moveBox组件




downFlag(newVal) { // 鼠标已经点击

const nowThis = this;

document.onmousemove = function (e) {

if (newVal) { // 鼠标移动赋值

nowThis.coordinate.mouseX = e.clientX;

nowThis.coordinate.mouseY = e.clientY;



document.onmouseup = function () { // 鼠标松开

document.onmousemove = null;

if (newVal) {

nowThis.transType = ''; // 悬浮组件置空

nowThis.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox') { // 寻找moveBox所在位置

nowThis.comList[index] = nowThis.comType; // 还原成点击组件



nowThis.downFlag = false;

nowThis.comType = '';



coordinate: {

handler(newVal) { // 悬浮组件位置

this.$refs.translateBox.style.top = `${newVal.mouseY + this.scrollTop - 40 - this.compBox.y}px`;

this.$refs.translateBox.style.left = `${newVal.mouseX - this.compBox.x - 200}px`;

this.mouseYLast = newVal.mouseY;


deep: true,
mouseYLast(newVal) { // 鼠标移动Y坐标

this.forFlage = false;

if (newVal - this.mouseYBefore > 30) {
// 移动30鼠标向下移,每移动30,moveBox移动一次

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox' && index < this.comLen - 1 && !this.forFlage) {

this.nowCom = this.comList[index + 1];

this.$set(this.comList, index + 1, 'moveBox');

this.$set(this.comList, index, this.nowCom);

this.mouseYBefore = newVal;

this.forFlage = true;



} else if (newVal - this.mouseYBefore < -30) {
// 鼠标向上移

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox' && index > 0 && !this.forFlage) {

this.nowCom = this.comList[index - 1];

// this.comList[index - 1] = 'moveBox';

// this.comList[index] = this.nowCom;

// this.comList[index]数组中采用这种方式赋值,vue是不能检测到数组的变动的

this.$set(this.comList, index - 1, 'moveBox');

this.$set(this.comList, index, this.nowCom);

this.mouseYBefore = newVal;

this.forFlage = true;



watch: {
comList: {

handler(val) {

this.getCom(val); // 模块列表改变时,实时加载组件


deep: true,

immediate: true, // 声明了之后会立马执行handler里面的函数
transType(val) { // 悬浮模块加载组件

if (val) {

this.transCom = () => import(`./default/${val}`);

scrollTop: { // 监听页面滚动

handler() {},

immediate: true,
comType(newVal) {

if (newVal) {

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === newVal) {

this.comList[index] = 'moveBox'; // 将组建列表中为comType的元素改为moveBox组件




downFlag(newVal) { // 鼠标已经点击

const nowThis = this;

document.onmousemove = function (e) {

if (newVal) { // 鼠标移动赋值

nowThis.coordinate.mouseX = e.clientX;

nowThis.coordinate.mouseY = e.clientY;



document.onmouseup = function () { // 鼠标松开

document.onmousemove = null;

if (newVal) {

nowThis.transType = ''; // 悬浮组件置空

nowThis.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox') { // 寻找moveBox所在位置

nowThis.comList[index] = nowThis.comType; // 还原成点击组件



nowThis.downFlag = false;

nowThis.comType = '';



coordinate: {

handler(newVal) { // 悬浮组件位置

this.$refs.translateBox.style.top = `${newVal.mouseY + this.scrollTop - 40 - this.compBox.y}px`;

this.$refs.translateBox.style.left = `${newVal.mouseX - this.compBox.x - 200}px`;

this.mouseYLast = newVal.mouseY;


deep: true,
mouseYLast(newVal) { // 鼠标移动Y坐标

this.forFlage = false;

if (newVal - this.mouseYBefore > 30) {
// 移动30鼠标向下移,每移动30,moveBox移动一次

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox' && index < this.comLen - 1 && !this.forFlage) {

this.nowCom = this.comList[index + 1];

this.$set(this.comList, index + 1, 'moveBox');

this.$set(this.comList, index, this.nowCom);

this.mouseYBefore = newVal;

this.forFlage = true;



} else if (newVal - this.mouseYBefore < -30) {
// 鼠标向上移

this.comList.forEach((item, index) => {

if (item === 'moveBox' && index > 0 && !this.forFlage) {

this.nowCom = this.comList[index - 1];

// this.comList[index - 1] = 'moveBox';

// this.comList[index] = this.nowCom;

// this.comList[index]数组中采用这种方式赋值,vue是不能检测到数组的变动的

this.$set(this.comList, index - 1, 'moveBox');

this.$set(this.comList, index, this.nowCom);

this.mouseYBefore = newVal;

this.forFlage = true;



},其中 forFlage的作用是,在forEach中不能使用break这样来结束循环,所以用forFlage来表示,当遍历到moveBox后, 就结束遍历5、methods
methods: {
getCom(val) {

this.comRoute = [];

val.forEach((item) => {

this.comRoute.push(() => import(`./default/${item}`));

getData(data, dataY, dataX) { // 模块组件点击后,父组件中调用此方法,并传值过来

this.comType = data;

this.transType = data;
// 目前考虑点击后立即移动,点击不移动的情况后期再考虑

this.downFlag = true;

this.mouseYBefore = dataY;

this.$nextTick(() => {

this.$refs.translateBox.style.top = `${dataY + this.scrollTop - 40 - this.compBox.y}px`;

this.$refs.translateBox.style.left = `${dataX - this.compBox.x - 200}px`;

methods: {
getCom(val) {

this.comRoute = [];

val.forEach((item) => {

this.comRoute.push(() => import(`./default/${item}`));

getData(data, dataY, dataX) { // 模块组件点击后,父组件中调用此方法,并传值过来

this.comType = data;

this.transType = data;
// 目前考虑点击后立即移动,点击不移动的情况后期再考虑

this.downFlag = true;

this.mouseYBefore = dataY;

this.$nextTick(() => {

this.$refs.translateBox.style.top = `${dataY + this.scrollTop - 40 - this.compBox.y}px`;

this.$refs.translateBox.style.left = `${dataX - this.compBox.x - 200}px`;

mounted() {
this.comLen = this.comList.length;
this.compBox = this.$refs.compBox.getBoundingClientRect();
const that = this;
window.onresize = () => (() => {

that.compBox = this.$refs.compBox.getBoundingClientRect();
mounted() {
this.comLen = this.comList.length;
this.compBox = this.$refs.compBox.getBoundingClientRect();
const that = this;
window.onresize = () => (() => {

that.compBox = this.$refs.compBox.getBoundingClientRect();





export default {
name: 'educationExp',
data() {

return {

comType: 'educationExp',

mouseYBefore: 0,

mouseXBefore: 0,

methods: {

mouseDown(e) {

this.mouseYBefore = e.clientY;

this.mouseXBefore = e.clientX;

this.$emit('getData', this.comType, this.mouseYBefore, this.mouseXBefore);

export default {
name: 'educationExp',
data() {

return {

comType: 'educationExp',

mouseYBefore: 0,

mouseXBefore: 0,

methods: {

mouseDown(e) {

this.mouseYBefore = e.clientY;

this.mouseXBefore = e.clientX;

this.$emit('getData', this.comType, this.mouseYBefore, this.mouseXBefore);
