

返回对象本身, 同this的区别就是显示返回链式对象。

this的作用域链,jQuery的实现方式,通常链式调用都是采用这种方式。返回对象本身, 同this的区别就是显示返回链式对象。闭包返回对象的方式实现,这种方式与柯里化有相似之处。
var Person = function() {};
Person.prototype.setAge = function(age){

this.age = age;

return this;
Person.prototype.setWeight = function(weight){

this.weight = weight;

return this;
Person.prototype.get = function(){

return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;

var person = new Person();
var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
var Person = function() {};
Person.prototype.setAge = function(age){

this.age = age;

return this;
Person.prototype.setWeight = function(weight){

this.weight = weight;

return this;
Person.prototype.get = function(){

return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;

var person = new Person();
var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
var person = {

age: null,

weight: null,

setAge: function(age){

this.age = age;

return this;


setWeight: function(weight){

this.weight = weight;

return this;


get: function(){

return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;

var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
var person = {

age: null,

weight: null,

setAge: function(age){

this.age = age;

return this;


setWeight: function(weight){

this.weight = weight;

return this;


get: function(){

return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;

var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
function numsChain(num){

var nums = num;

function chain(num){

nums = `${nums} -> ${num}`;

return chain;


chain.get = () => nums;

return chain;
var des = numsChain(1)(2)(3).get();
console.log(des); // 1 -> 2 -> 3
function numsChain(num){

var nums = num;

function chain(num){

nums = `${nums} -> ${num}`;

return chain;


chain.get = () => nums;

return chain;
var des = numsChain(1)(2)(3).get();
console.log(des); // 1 -> 2 -> 3可选链操作符可选链操作符说到链式调用,就有必要说一下JavaScript的可选链操作符,属于ES2021新特性运算符?.、??、??=,可选链操作符?.允许读取位于连接对象链深处的属性的值,而不必明确验证链中的每个引用是否有效。?.操作符的功能类似于.链式操作符,不同之处在于在引用为空nullish即null或者undefined的情况下不会引起错误,该表达式短路返回值是undefined。与函数调用一起使用时,如果给定的函数不存在,则返回undefined。当尝试访问可能不存在的对象属性时,可选链操作符将会使表达式更短更简明。在探索一个对象的内容时,如果不能确定哪些属性必定存在,可选链操作符也是很有帮助的。语法语法
const obj = {a: {}};
console.log(obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj.a.b); // undefined
// console.log(obj.a.b.c); // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'c' of undefined
console.log(obj && obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj && obj.a && obj.a.b && obj.a.b.c); // undefined
console.log(obj?.a?.b?.c); // undefined

const test = void 0;
const prop = "a";
console.log(test); // undefined
console.log(test?.a); // undefined
console.log(test?.[prop]); // undefined
console.log(test?.[0]); // undefined
console.log(test?.()); // undefined
const obj = {a: {}};
console.log(obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj.a.b); // undefined
// console.log(obj.a.b.c); // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'c' of undefined
console.log(obj && obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj && obj.a && obj.a.b && obj.a.b.c); // undefined
console.log(obj?.a?.b?.c); // undefined

const test = void 0;
const prop = "a";
console.log(test); // undefined
console.log(test?.a); // undefined
console.log(test?.[prop]); // undefined
console.log(test?.[0]); // undefined
console.log(test?.()); // undefinedjQuery中的链式调用jQuery中的链式调用jQuery是一个高端而不失奢华的框架,其中有许多非常精彩的方法和逻辑,虽然现在非常流行于类似于Vue、React的MVVM模式的框架,但是jQuery的设计实在是棒,非常值得学习,在这里以最基础的实例化jQuery为例探查一下jQuery如何通过this实现的链式调用。
function _jQuery(){}
_jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;


var instance = new _jQuery();
console.log(instance.size()); // 2
// _jQuery.size() // Uncaught TypeError: _jQuery.size is not a function
// _jQuery().size() / /Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined
function _jQuery(){}
_jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;


var instance = new _jQuery();
console.log(instance.size()); // 2
// _jQuery.size() // Uncaught TypeError: _jQuery.size is not a function
// _jQuery().size() / /Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined通过定义一个类并且实现实例化之后,在实例之间可以共享原型上的方法,而直接通过_jQuery类直接去调用显然是不行的,抛出的第一种异常是因为在_jQuery类上不存在静态方法,第二种异常是因为_jQuery作为函数执行后未返回值,通过这里可以看出jQuery在通过$()方式调用的时候是返回了一个包含多个方法的对象的,而只是通过自己是访问不到的,我们就借助另一个变量去访问。
function _jQuery(){

return _fn;
var _fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2
function _jQuery(){

return _fn;
var _fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2实际上jQuery为了减少变量的创建,直接将_fn看做了_jQuery的一个属性。
function _jQuery(){

return _jQuery.fn;
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2
function _jQuery(){

return _jQuery.fn;
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

length: 2,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2到这里确实能够实现_jQuery()方式调用原型上的方法,但是在jQuery中$()的主要目标还是作为选择器用来选择元素,而现在返回的是一个_jQuery.fn对象,显然是达不到要求的,为了能够取得返回的元素,那就在原型上定义一个init方法去获取元素,这里为了省事直接使用了document.querySelector,实际上jQuery的选择器构建是很复杂的。
function _jQuery(selector){

return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

return document.querySelector(selector);


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery("body")); // ...
function _jQuery(selector){

return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

return document.querySelector(selector);


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

console.log(_jQuery("body")); // ...是似乎这样又把链式调用的this给漏掉了,这里就需要利用this的指向了,因为在调用时this总是指向调用他的对象,所以我们在这里将选择的元素挂载到this对象上即可。
function _jQuery(selector){

return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}
function _jQuery(selector){

return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}但是此时又出现了一个问题,我们的选择器选择的元素是直接挂载到了_jQuery.fn上,这样的话由于原型是共享的,在之后的定义的选择器就会将前边定义的选择器覆盖掉,这样显然是不行的,于是我们使用new操作符新建一个对象。
function _jQuery(selector){

return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
// console.log(body.size()); // Uncaught TypeError: body.size is not a function
function _jQuery(selector){

return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
// console.log(body.size()); // Uncaught TypeError: body.size is not a function这样又出现了问题,当我们使用new实例化_jQuery.fn.init时返回的this指向的是_jQuery.fn.init的实例,我们就不能进行链式调用了,jQuery用了一个非常巧妙的方法解决了这个问题,直接将_jQuery.fn.init的原型指向_jQuery.prototype,虽然会有循环引用的问题,但是相对来说这一点性能消耗并不算什么,由此我们完成了jQuery选择器以及链式调用的实现。
function _jQuery(selector){

return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

_jQuery.fn.init.prototype = _jQuery.fn;
var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn.init.prototype.init.prototype.init.prototype === _jQuery.fn); // true
function _jQuery(selector){

return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {

constructor: _jQuery,

init: function(selector){

this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);

this.length = 1;

return this;


length: 3,

size: function(){

return this.length;

_jQuery.fn.init.prototype = _jQuery.fn;
var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn.init.prototype.init.prototype.init.prototype === _jQuery.fn); // true每日一题每日一题https://github.com/WindrunnerMax/EveryDayhttps://github.com/WindrunnerMax/EveryDay以上就是详解JavaScript中的链式调用的详细内容,关于JavaScript 链式调用的资料请关注其它相关文章!